Source code for

import sys as _sys
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Generator, Mapping, Optional, TextIO, Union

__all__ = ["pp"]

DecodedDict = Mapping[str, str]
EncodedDict = Mapping[str, Mapping[str, bytes]]
SpecDict = Mapping[str, Mapping[str, Any]]

[docs]def pp( doc: Union[DecodedDict, EncodedDict], spec: SpecDict, desc_width: int = 30, stream: Optional[TextIO] = None, line_width: int = 80, ) -> None: r"""Pretty Print Python dict containing ISO8583 data. Parameters ---------- doc : dict Dict containing ISO8583 data spec : dict A Python dict defining ISO8583 specification. See iso8583.specs module for examples. desc_width : int, optional Field description width (default 30). Specify 0 to print no descriptions. stream : stream, optional An output stream. The only method used on the stream object is the file protocol's write() method. If not specified, the :func:`iso8583.pp` adopts `sys.stdout`. line_width : int, optional Attempted maximum width of output line (default 80). Notes ----- For the most correct information to be displayed by :func:`iso8583.pp` it's recommended to call it after :func:`iso8583.encode` or :func:`iso8583.decode`. Examples -------- >>> import iso8583 >>> from iso8583.specs import default_ascii as spec >>> s = b"02004010100000000000161234567890123456123456840" >>> doc_dec, doc_enc = iso8583.decode(s, spec) >>> iso8583.pp(doc_dec, spec) t Message Type : '0200' p Bitmap, Primary : '4010100000000000' 2 Primary Account Number (PAN) : '1234567890123456' 12 Time, Local Transaction : '123456' 20 PAN Country Code : '840' """ desc_width = int(desc_width) line_width = int(line_width) if stream is None: stream = _sys.stdout if "h" in doc and spec["h"]["max_len"] > 0: _pp_field(doc, spec, desc_width, stream, line_width, "h") if "t" in doc: _pp_field(doc, spec, desc_width, stream, line_width, "t") if "p" in doc: _pp_field(doc, spec, desc_width, stream, line_width, "p") for field_key in sorted( [k for k in doc.keys() if isinstance(k, str) and k.isnumeric()], key=int ): _pp_field(doc, spec, desc_width, stream, line_width, field_key)
def _pp_field( doc: Union[DecodedDict, EncodedDict], spec: SpecDict, desc_width: int, stream: TextIO, line_width: int, field_key: str, ) -> None: indent = 5 stream.write("{index:3s}".format(index=str(field_key))) if desc_width > 0: stream.write( " {desc: <{desc_width}}".format( desc=spec[field_key]["desc"][:desc_width], desc_width=desc_width, ) ) indent += desc_width + 1 stream.write(": ") doc_field = doc[field_key] if isinstance(doc_field, dict): field_length = doc_field.get("len", b"") if len(field_length) > 0: stream.write("{} ".format(repr(field_length))) indent += len(repr(field_length)) + 1 obj = doc_field.get("data", b"") else: obj = doc_field rep = repr(obj) if len(rep) + indent > line_width: p = _dispatch.get(type(obj).__repr__, None) if p is not None: p(obj, stream, indent, line_width) stream.write("\n") return stream.write("{}\n".format(repr(obj))) _dispatch: Dict[Any, Callable[[Any, TextIO, int, int], None]] = {} def _pprint_str(obj: str, stream: TextIO, indent: int, width: int) -> None: if len(obj) <= 1: stream.write(repr(obj)) return delim = "" for rep in _wrap_str_repr(obj, width - indent): stream.write(delim) stream.write(rep) if not delim: delim = "\n" + " " * indent _dispatch[str.__repr__] = _pprint_str def _pprint_bytes(obj: bytes, stream: TextIO, indent: int, width: int) -> None: if len(obj) <= 1: stream.write(repr(obj)) return delim = "" for rep in _wrap_bytes_repr(obj, width - indent): stream.write(delim) stream.write(rep) if not delim: delim = "\n" + " " * indent _dispatch[bytes.__repr__] = _pprint_bytes def _wrap_str_repr(obj: str, width: int) -> Generator[str, None, None]: # because this functions yields entire width of a string at a time, # reduce width by 2 to account for '' around repr(str) if width > 3: width -= 2 else: width = 1 for i in range(0, len(obj), width): yield repr(obj[i : i + width]) def _wrap_bytes_repr(obj: bytes, width: int) -> Generator[str, None, None]: current = b"" for i in range(0, len(obj)): part = obj[i : i + 1] candidate = current + part if len(repr(candidate)) > width: if current: yield repr(current) current = part else: current = candidate if current: yield repr(current)